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Secondary Interschools League

Sun 24th Nov

Show Jumping


This is part of the Inter Schools League with the winning school of the league in the team competition  receiving  the perpetual trophy and €500 and runner up receiving €100 . League points are awarded 6,5,4,3,2,1.  There will be prizes in kind for each leg of the league also. The winners in the individual league section will receive a trophy and prize. 


Individual 80cm

Team 85cm: Consisting of 4 members with best 3 scores to count. 2 schools may combine to form a team but must remain as these combined schools for the entire league. (See Rules attached) 

Championship individual 90/95cm: Open to everyone both primary and secondary.

 All competitors will jump in drawn order.

 Novice Inter schools rules - 2023

Enter the interschools event

Novice Individual

Entry Fee €25.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50

Team Entry €100.00

Individual Entry €25.00

Team Entry

Entry Fee €100.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50

Team Entry €100.00

Individual Entry €25.00

90/95cm Championship Individual Open to Everyone Secondary and Primary

Entry Fee €25.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50

Team Entry €100.00

Individual Entry €25.00

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