League points for the following classes as follows: 4 -Double Clear, 2 - Clear 1st Round, 1- Appearance
Classes 1 to 4 - X-Poles, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm,
League points for the following classes given on placings 6 - 1st, 5 - 2nd, 4 - 3rd, 3 - 4th, 2 - 5th, 1 - 6th place. These classes will be timed in the 2nd round.
Classes 5 - 9 - 70cm, 80cm, 90cm, 1m, 1.10m
Points will also be awarded in the Showing & Working Classes based on placings at each Show.
This Show is part of the League on the following dates.
This Show is part of the League on the following dates.
Sunday 03.10.2024
Sunday 20.10.2024
B/Holiday Monday 28.10.2024
Sunday 03.11.2024
Sunday 17.11.2024
Sunday 01.12.2024
Sunday 15.12.2024 Final
Ridden Classes will be amalgamated if insufficient entries ,
Please ensure that your entry details are consistent for each date of this League.