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Autumn Horse & Pony League [6] FINAL including FANCY DRESS with Santa .

Sun 14th Dec

Horse and Pony Show


League points for the following classes as follows: 4 -Double Clear, 2 - Clear 1st Round, 1- Appearance 

Classes 1 to 4  -  X-Poles, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm,   

League points for the following classes given on placings 6 - 1st, 5 - 2nd, 4 - 3rd, 3 - 4th, 2 - 5th, 1 - 6th place.  These classes will be timed in the 2nd round.

Classes 5 - 9 - 70cm, 80cm, 90cm, 1m, 1.10m

Points will also be awarded in the Showing & Working Classes based on placings at each Show.

This Show is part of the League .

Ridden Classes will be amalgamated if insufficient entries ,

Please ensure that your entry details are consistent for each date of this League.


Enter the event

class 1 X-Poles

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 2 40cm Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 3 50cm Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 4 60cm Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 5 70cm Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 6 80cm Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 7 90cm Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 8 1m Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



class 9 1.10m Show Jumping

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 10 Lead Rein

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 11 First Ridden

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class12 Obedient Pony

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 13 Working Hunter 70cm

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 14 Working Hunter 80cm

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 15 Working Wunter 90cm

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 16 Working Hunter 1 metre

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 17 Show Hunter Pony under 148cm.

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 18 Connemara

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 19 Cobs

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 20 Small Riding Horse

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 21 Large Riding Horse

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 22 Small Hunter Class

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 23 Lightweight Hunter

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 24 Middleweight Hunter

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 25 Heavyweight Hunter

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



Class 26 Side Saddle Class

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



class 27 veteran hors 17 to 21

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



class 28 mature horse over 20 (judge wont ride )

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



class 29 racehorse to riding horse

Entry Fee €23.00
+ Booking Fee €0.50



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